Zentangle Inktober Tangles Day 12 was all about lines…. lots and lots of lines!

SOCC, created by Erin Olson, CZT, reminds me of the pattern PUF, but with more randomness. SOCC’s puffy shapes make a fun fill. I also enjoyed playing with the framework to see how the individual pieces interacted with each other. If you like shading like I do, this pattern might be right up your alley. Shading plays a very important role – without it, the pattern loses its wonderful 3D effect.
Today’s Tangle

Back in September when I first reviewed the list of Inktober patterns for this year, I knew I was going to like SOCC. PUF and BALES with echoey aura lines are favorites of mine. I like to draw lots and lots of lines! A key idea of the Zentangle Method involves drawing the same thing over and over again – it allows us to zone out and just go with the flow. Once you set up the framework, patterns like SOCC allow me to disengage my brain and just draw.
Inktober Tangle Day 12 is not quite a monotangle (only one pattern). I certainly looks like one, but the uniform X shapes are PUF while sections of random shapes are SOCC. The two patterns play well together with PUF creating a large framework for SOCC. Instead of shading this one with graphite, I grabbed one of my blue General’s Chalk Pastel pencils. I used it exactly as I would if I was using a graphite pencil – creating hightlights (white) and lowlights (blue) with it.
To see the results from other prompts, please visit my hub page for the event or scroll through this carousel.
The Challenge: Zentangle Inktober Tangles by 7F5R
7F5R (Seven Forests Five Rivers) host a Zentangle version of Inktober every year called Inktober Tangles. Check out their Facebook group to find more information and to see the amazing art created by Zentangle teachers and artists from around the world. Each day, we are given a Zentangle pattern and are asked to create something with it.