Zentangle Inktober Tangles Day 4 – SOUK
Zentangle Inktober Tangles Day 4 – SOUK

Zentangle Inktober Tangles Day 4 – SOUK

Zentangle Inktober Tangles Day 4’s pattern, SOUK created a true challenge for me.

Zentangle Inktober Tangles Day 4 - SOUK

Created by fellow CZT Steph Kiefhaber, SOUK creates a lovely flowing ribbon pattern. Drawing the patten involves some thought and attention to the process – what Zentangle HQ calls a “high focus pattern.” Once completed, the shape can be embellished any number of ways – auras that follow the sections of ribbon, fills for the openings, or if drawn on a large enough scale, pattern fragments in the ribbon shapes themselves – plus color!

Today’s Tangle

Zentangle Inktober Tangles Day 4 - SOUK

So my challenge: Instead of sticking to a border style pattern, I pushed SOUK into something of an open grid. To do this, I drew five light string lines diagonally on my card. Then I drew SOUK on the middlemost line. The tall loops were drawn to touch the pencil line on either side. I then figured out where I needed to place the loops on the two outer lines of SOUK so the tall loops would match up. Thankfully, the pattern flows in a way so when I didn’t quite line things up, it didn’t matter. A short video showing how I created the grid is forthcoming.

I finished my tangle with a variation of BRAX. I love the delicate flowers and their gridded structure filled the open spaces perfectly. While I enjoyed creating this tangle, it definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone! I normally don’t do a lot of planning with my tangles. I talked a little bit about my off-the-cuff approach with yesterday’s tangle.

To see the results from other prompts, please visit my hub page for the event or scroll through this carousel.

The Challenge: Zentangle Inktober Tangles by 7F5R

7F5R (Seven Forests Five Rivers) host a Zentangle version of Inktober every year called Inktober Tangles. Check out their Facebook group to find more information and to see the amazing art created by Zentangle teachers and artists from around the world. Each day, we are given a Zentangle pattern and are asked to create something with it. Some artists create beautiful frameworks to blend the various tangles together into one piece of art. I wish I was that organized! I create a card for each day – it gives me the freedom to change up mediums I use, but it also means I don’t have to prep anything ahead of time!

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