Summit Whispers

Summit Whispers Song Cover art. Line drawing of mountain peaks with wind.

As with many of my songs, this started with me playing around with something new. In this case, a new instrument sound. It became a meditation for me and I became a little too attached to the song. Becoming attached while composing can be dangerous – at least for me. I lose objectivity.

Before I release any of my songs, I do two things: I play it on my car stereo, and I have my husband listen to it. My car stereo is nothing fancy – it’s just whatever my Highlander left the lot with. While I don’t mix specifically for that sound system, it helps me identify problem areas, but not in the way you would think. I find taking my songs outside of the studio – “into the wild” – gives me a fresh perspective. If I’m stuck on an idea, the car gets me listening to it in a different way. My husband’s kind honesty and editor’s mind often puts into words the thing that’s scratching at the back of my brain.

“Summit Whispers” got a very necessary double treatment – the hubs was in the car when I pulled the song out of the studio for a listen. Because I was very attached to it, his remarks were actually a little hard to hear, but I also knew the song wasn’t right. After giving it some time, I came back to the song. I approached everything with fresh ears and reworked several areas. I hope you enjoy the result.

Head over to YouTube to check it out:

You can also find my music on….


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