Project-Based Engagements

Project Based Engagements for singing, performance, music production, song writing

Project-Based Engagements

Do you need more than a weekly lesson or coaching session? Project-based engagements expand the idea of the lesson to encompass more options and services including:

  • Additional sessions in a month for performance or audition preparation, more intense learning needs, or to meet a deadline.
  • Greater assistance in gathering resources. For example, pulling together an audition portfolio for college auditions, or assistance in developing a show.
  • Music arranging services. Make that song fit like a glove to your voice and stage personality.
  • Music production services.
  • Assistance in finding the right collaborator(s), specialized coaches, or other members for your team.

Unlike traditional lessons, project-based engagements typically have very specific goals and timeframes. Because of the additional meetings and/or services, they have a retainer-style structure. If your needs fall between weekly lessons and a project-based engagement, some services may be available a la carte.

Book a Discovery Call to discuss your needs.

Ideal Candidates for Project-based Engagements

If you don’t see yourself in this list, that doesn’t mean I can’t help you. Book a Discovery Call today and let’s chat!

High School Students Getting Ready for College Auditions (Voice & Musical Theatre)
Adult & Teenage Musical Theatre Performers
Indie Artists

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